Thursday, December 20, 2007

Discernment Often Close To Hand

Rita Snowden, in a chapter entitled, Derville’s Delight, tells this children's story with a discernment theme:

Young Derville Walker had a birthday and he had asked to be given a camera. He got it for his birthday and admired it and it became a very good possession. He learnt a lot about working the camera.

Moses, what’s in Your Hand?
One night in church the preacher chose what seemed to be a very odd text in Exodus. A question was put by God to another young man. Moses was a shepherd minding the sheep in the desert when God said, “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2). It was just an ordinary shepherd’s rod. A little surprised, Moses answered in two words, “A rod.” Then God told him that he wanted to use it. And the preacher told of the wonderful things that were done with that rod.

Derville, what’s in your hand?
Derville in his pew was very interested and just as the preacher was finishing his sermon he lent over the pulpit and repeated, “What is that in your hand?” So crisply and clearly did that question ring in Derville’s mind that when the church was over it seemed as if God was really putting the question straight to him, as God had to Moses the shepherd long ago. And when he looked at what he had in his hand, as in every spare moment, he answered, “A camera, Lord.” From that moment, just as Moses had dedicated his rod, Derville dedicated his camera and a new delight came into his days.

Gifts, like old Photographs Need Developing
With practice, Derville Walker became one of the best photographers in England. His pictures were beautiful and people loved them. They appeared in magazines and books. He wrote books about strange countries. He became the editor of a favourite magazine and he put in lots of beautiful pictures. When people saw it, people could see so much better what was happening in these lands.

Revealing the Secret
Only years later when friends gave him a farewell party, he told them his secret which is the story in this article. Then those who heard it understood the reason for his beautiful pictures. He had not made them for himself. Derville Walker had made them for God.

So what’s in your hand?

Source: Rita Snowden, ‘Derville’s Delight’.

Image: Old camera